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Almetis Essential is an easily accessible software application which enables you to electronically sign PDF documents simply, whilst giving them the same legal value as if you had signed them by hand.

Almetis Essential

Simplify your life with Almetis Essential

Enter the era of worldwide paperless solutions

Sign in WIPIWYS mode

Enjoy Almetis Essential services

Protect your documents with your unique digital footprint

Give a new use for your digital IDs (digital certificates)

Opt for a universal electronic signature

Share with your partner the privilege of a worldwide paperless process

Almetis Essential

A digital signature accessible to everyone

Almetis Essential is designed for professionals, associations and individuals in need of electronically signing documents such as quotes, contracts, invoices, formal letters, expert reports, whilst giving them legal recognition. Say goodbye to storage boxes, printing paper and delays in the post. Enter the era of worldwide paperless solutions!

WIPIWYSA digital signature that is as natural as if it had been handwritten

With every signing you can simultaneously view the document and the signature. For simplicity, Almetis Essential is compatible with Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point, Open Office and LibreOffice. You are just one-click away from getting Almetis Essential to sign your documents.

Sign in WIPIWYS mode - What Is Presented Is What You Sign!*

A cost-effective turnkey signature solution

In addition to the unlimited number of signatures, the subscription includes automatic updates of the latest software enhancements, access to tutorials and online support.
Enjoy Almetis Essential services!

Permanent protection of the integrity of your documents

The electronic signature made within Almetis Essential ensures permanent protection of the integrity of the document and the authenticity of the signer through cryptographic algorithms and use of digital IDs. Your document, sealed with your signature, assures that any changes made to the document that has been signed can not go undetected.
Protect your documents with your unique digital footprint!

Recognition of all digital certificates (digital IDs)

To sign your documents with Almetis Essential, you must obtain a digital certificate issued by a certification service provider to link permanently the document to your digital identity.
Give a new use for your digital certificate!

A universal electronic signature

Your electronic signature created with Almetis Essential can be viewed and verified by your worldwide audience with a free PDF reader such as Almetis Essential 5S.
Opt for a universal electronic signature!

A free trial

To facilitate the co-signature of your contracts we offer Almetis Essential 5S with all Almetis Essential features for 5 free signatures. Share with your customers the privilege of a worldwide paperless process!

* What Is Presented Is What You Sign!